deel 2

deel 3
In de USA is inmiddels verschenen: The Long Road Home deel 2 (april). Deel 3 volgt in mei.

In juli: The Dark Tower Almanac Met het Gunslinger's Guidebook zal er ook een speciale editie komen voor The Long Road Home serie: Dark Tower: The End-World Almanac. Did you ever want to know more about End-World? ‘Woe unto those who traverse beyond the cursed Borderlands into End-World! It’s a twisted and desolate realm where it seems as if the world passed ages ago. From the blasted landscapes of Thunderclap to the frozen heights of Empathica, End-World shows no mercy to unwary young Gunslingers. In a world where information – and a bit of luck – is the key to survival, the End-World Almanac serves as your guide to the Badlands, Le Casse Roi Russe and beyond!’ CARDSTOCK COVER/Parental Advisory . . . $3.99